The Only Workout You Need & Forgetting HIIT

The workouts you keep coming back to usually have something in common. You enjoy it and they give you results sooner rather than later. High intensity interval training or HIIT allows you to incorporate a variety of moves or activities keeping you motivated and is known for driving results. While there are multiple benefits to this exercise, it can be hard on the body and isn’t the best choice for anyone with sensitive muscles or injuries. The key is to incorporate HIIT inspired elements into your routine rather than making it the main focus. In order to elevate my workout, I had to get creative and expand what else I could do that would still burn fat and sculpt. The piece below breaks down different equipment, activities, and ways to effortlessly change your routine.

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Combine | Cardio, Strength, Tone

A 45 minute or 1 hour session that incorporates all areas allows you to accomplish what you would do with HIIT in a longer period of time, so it isn’t as harsh on your muscles. This can be done in a variety of ways. You could do a combination of running and walking for in a time or length measured set. If you are looking for cardio and resistance or strength, a bike session with a workout uses either weights, bands, or both does the job. Any form of cardio gets your heart rate up and engages the majority if not all of your body. The work you do with weights or bands works in a more intricate manner letting you complete an extremely productive routine without pain or soreness.

Change the Cardio

I originally thought I wouldn’t be able to do anything more than low impact cardio like walking with my knees, I was 100 percent wrong. You can easily shift your cardio to what works for you and still keep it challenging. Options that work are:

  • breaking between running and walking rather than only running

  • cycling: indoors and outdoors (make sure the seat is adjusted properly otherwise you may have knee pain) and adjust the resistance and distance

  • sports like basketball or tennis

  • swimming

  • walk: can be tailored by distance, types of routes, and speed

Lower Weights | Higher Reps

At first when you try this in a routine, it’ll feel like you could be doing more. This doesn’t last long before the burn set ins and it becomes harder to continue complete reps with correct form. Lowering your weights and increasing your reps substantially keeps your proper form in tact while slow burning your muscles as you do each one. You can do this with upper, lower, or total body. The more moves you do one after other without breaks, the harder your muscles work. Easy change to make and makes a big difference.

Resistance | Bands, New Favorite and Go To

New essentials and a go to that I know will deliver are booty and resistance bands. There is endless versatility in them whether you use one alone or pair it with a weight based routine. Both can be found at stores or purchased online. I use the Tone It Up brand because the equipment is straight from the trainers I work with. I attribute all my defined and toned muscles to incorporating a band with my moves. It adds extra resistance to how you’re training and does work as you’re working yourself. Super easy to use and the best to take on vacation.

Barre | Ultimate Workout of Pilates, Ballet, and Cardio

Barre is training that include multiple styles of exercise in one session. This workout is not for the shy. It will force you to sweat, sculpt, and tone with every move. Pro athletes, trainers, and any one that wants a challenge in a matter of minutes has incorporated barre inspired sets into their exercise. It drives results like no other. The power of the set remains in it’s ability to target muscles you don’t specifically work or use often and engage multiple areas at once leaving no muscle group untouched. Essential that you stretch or use a foam roller after barre because you absolutely feel it the next day…and 2 days after that.